Is wagyu beef healthy

Wagyu beef is not only famous for its delicious taste, soft fat but also nutritious and healthy. Wagyu beef is higher in mono unsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, and lower in cholesterol, help prevent coronary disease and weight loss than regular beef and even salmon.

An Introduction to Wagyu Steak

The term Wagyu is rather self-explanatorily: Wa means Japanese , and Gyu refers to cattle in general. Therefore, "Wagyu beef" in Japanese means Japanese beef. Although Japanese Wagyu cattle beef breeds originates from Japan, not every cow in Japan produces the expensive Wagyu meat that often appears on high-end restaurant menus. The fundamental difference comes from the genome of Japanese cattle itself, which is genetically predisposed, and are considered to have the best Wagyu genetics. The fat of Japanese cows is studied to possess a large proportion of saturated fat that is both delicious and very healthy. Having that said, Wagyu cattle received special breeding conditions, being grain fed and massaged to create the highest quality beef.

When eat Wagyu , you will easily detect the rare perfect aroma, sweetness, its buttery taste and extremely tender. The perfect blend of each grain of meat and marbled Wagyu beef fat make Wagyu beef taste rather buttery that melts right on the tip of the tongue. This is definitely a taste experience that makes you hard to resist.

Wagyu is fattier than other cattle breeds because Japanese Black and Brown cattle are genetically predisposed to having a greater fat content, with Brown cattle being considered even healthier than Black cattle because of their low fat content, which is typically 12 percent or less.

Mono-unsaturated fat (MUFA), the type of fat it produces, can be used as energy to support cell growth, lowers cholesterol, prevents cardiovascular disease, and aids in weight loss.

Breeds of Wagyu Cattle

The primary four Wagyu cattle breed that are considered national treasure in Japan are: Japanese black Wagyu cattle, Japanese brown cows, Japanese Polled, and Japanese shorthorn cows. Due to a natural network of more intramuscular fat cells, known as marbling on the inside of muscle tissue, these breeds are genetically privileged and have better tenderness, melt-in-your-mouth quality, and a rich, savory flavor. Of these, the most well-known of which are Japanese black cattle and Japanese brown cattle, which are distinguished by their fat marbling and slimmer bodies and light, mild taste, respectively. Japanese Shorthorn is appreciated for its savory Wagyu beef tatse and is lean and high in inosinic and glutamic acid. Japanese Polled is distinguished by its rich, meaty and umami flavor and gamier tender texture. Notably, Japanese Black accounts for more than 90% of all Wagyu beef produced in Japan, making it the breed of choice for producing Wagyu beef than other breeds.

Nowaday,s Wagyu cows are currently raised and processed in more nations, with America and Australia serving as the main sources.

Kobe beef

Kobe beef is famous cut of Japanese Wagyu steak from central Japan's Kansai region is Kobe, which is prepared from steers or castrated bulls, having richly marbled beef. True Kobe beef is a breed of beef from the black Tajima gyu cow, a domestic Wagyu cow. Wagyu cows raised according to the standard procedures of the Kobe Beef Association of Marketing and Distribution Promotion . To be considered Kobe style, the Japanese cattle must be purebred Wagyu bulls or cows.

The name Kobe beef comes from the name of a city in Japan's Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Only purebred Wagyu Tajima bred and raised in Hyogo are eligible to become Kobe beef. Plus, true Kobe beef must have intense and fat marbling with the Beef Marbling Standard (BMS) must be above 6, which is different from the USDA Prime rating.

Is Wagyu Meat Healthier than Other beef?

Wagyu beef is a type of beef from Japan with a richly marbled beef. Even so, Wagyu beef also comes from Australia and the United States. The name Wagyu itself is taken from the Japanese "Wa" which means Japanese and "Gyu" which means meat or cattle.

Wagyu beef is known for its soft texture and marble-like texture. Granite samples are produced from unsaturated fat content. This is what gives this beef dish such a delicious taste and it melts in the mouth.

Then, is this meat classed as healthy? Research shows that Wagyu beef contains more omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and other essential fatty acids, as well as more monounsaturated fatty acids, than other types of beef. Because it contains the enzyme delta 9-desaturase, which converts to a version called stearic acid (a saturated fatty acid) into elevated oleic acid, wagyu fat has less saturated fat than regular beef (an unsaturated fatty acid). Overconsumption of saturated fat raises your risk of heart disease and stroke by contributing to artery buildup. Even so, the saturated fat contained in Wagyu beef is different. Takes Stearic acid for example, which makes up 40% of it, is thought to have no effect on raising cholesterol levels. Marbling (intramuscular fat cells) in Wagyu beef has several health benefits for people. It can be considered a more nutritious variety of beef.

The ratio of fatty acids affects the texture and taste of food in the mouth, especially meat. This is one reason why this type of beef is considered the finest and tastiest.

Unsaturated fatty acids help control blood pressure and keep body temperature at a normal level. And the mono unsaturated fat content in foods can reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, the increase in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids helps with the digestion of triglycerides and cholesterol.

The protein in Wagyu beef can help maintain muscle and burn fat, as it can increase oxygen intake, energy production, and metabolic rate.

The Health Benefits of Wagyu beef

Wagyu beef brings many significant health benefits. One serving of Wagyu beef (from Japan) or about 113 grams, contains 280 calories. Meanwhile, in 1 serving (113 grams) of American Wagyu beef has up to 330 calories. Many nutritional value of Wagyu beef have been certified by Animal Science Expert.

Rich in protein and Zinc

Wagyu beef provides protein – an Important ingredient present in every cell, with a concentration of 18 grams. Protein is needed for important body functions such as cell regeneration and formation. Plus, the fatty acid composition of Wagyu beef contains a lot of protein, vitamin B12, rich in zinc, iron, phosphorus... The benefits of beef help you build your immune system, contribute to restore the body after intense activity, help improve resistance. The amount of protein and vitamin B6 in beef is quite high, it is estimated that 100 grams of beef can produce 22 grams of protein. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the daily diet, especially for young children.

Having Less Cholesterol and High in Monounsaturated fatty acids

Who said that a low-cholesterol diet couldn't include steak? Wagyu actually has the lowest cholesterol levels of any meat, including fish or chicken, due to its high monounsaturated fat content. Because it contains the enzyme delta 9-desaturase, which takes stearic acid (a saturated fatty acid composition) into oleic acid, wagyu fat has less saturated fat than regular beef (an unsaturated fatty acid composition). Overconsumption of saturated fat raises your risk of heart disease and stroke by contributing to artery buildup.

Oleic Acid Is High in Wagyu Beef

Especially when compared to other beef, wagyu beef has a good supply of oleic acid. Monounsaturated fat like oleic acid are frequently found in heart-healthy oils like olive oil. According to the Federal Drug Administration, oleic acid may lower the risk of heart disease when used as an alternative to fats and oils that are higher in saturated fat (FDA). The amount of oleic acid in 3.5 ounces of Japanese Black Wagyu beef is 16 grams.

Oleic acid might aid in reducing bodily inflammation. Three thousand Japanese citizens were polled about their use of foods containing particular fatty acids, such as oleic acid. C-reactive protein (CRP), a biomarker of inflammation, showed that people who consumed more foods high in oleic acid had lower levels of inflammation. Plus, it is noteworthy that significant amounts of oleic acid can do tremendous good for your heart.

High Saturated Fat Content

Wagyu beef contains 34 percent of the daily recommended amount of saturated fat per 3-ounce serving, despite the fact that the majority of its fat is unsaturated.

Saturated fat-rich diets can raise LDL and total cholesterol levels, which can result in clogged arteries. 10 percent or fewer of your daily calories should be saturated fat, according to the current standard.

Saturated fat replacement with polyunsaturated fat or complex carbohydrates is associated with a lower risk of a heart attack or stroke, even though studies have not been able to demonstrate a causal link between saturated fat and heart disease risk.

Abundance of Omega 6 fatty acids and Conjugated linoleic acid

Arachidonic and linoleic acids are examples of omega-6 fatty acids. Arachidonic acid can be found in meat and eggs, while vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds are sources of linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is the second necessary fatty acid after omega-3 ALA. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), an omega-6 fatty acid, is exceptionally abundant in wagyu beef. Although more research is required in this area, CLA may cut cholesterol levels, lower the risk of some cancers, and lower the chance for Alzheimer's disease.

According to a review published in Public Health Nutrition in August 2015, eating foods containing CLA can assist to decrease LDL cholesterol levels. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL cholesterol, is frequently referred to as "bad cholesterol" for cardiovascular health. Wagyu beef contains CLA, which has the ability to decrease LDL cholesterol, but it's vital to consider the entire cuisine rather than just a single vitamin. Avocados, salmon, legumes, and nutritious grains are additional foods that lower cholesterol.

Rich in Iron

Iron is an essential mineral because the body uses them to form blood cells, which carry oxygen to body tissues, commonly known as hemoglobin. So, eating iron-rich foods like Wagyu beef is very beneficial for the body. Each serving of Wagyu beef provides up to 10% of the recommended daily value of iron in any form.

High Fat Content

Wagyu beef contains more fat than other beef. Because Wagyu cows were bred to work and haul weighty loads uphill, these cattle have particularly powerful forequarters and more intramuscular fat cells (what we know as "marbling"). They contain up to 28 grams of fat including 11 grams of saturated fatty acid profile and 1.5 grams of trans fats per serving. However, in moderation, this type of beef can fit into your diet. In fact, the body needs fat to protect the liver, retain heat and provide energy for the body's activities.

Today, people often think animal fats is harmful to human nutrition, and consumers are often obsessed with red meat. In fact, more and more scientific findings show the positive effects of fat on the human body. At the University of Wisconsin, researchers studied possible carcinogens in meat. And a big surprise was discovered, they found that in beef contains anti-cancer substances. This substance is also said to fight hardening of the arteries. These effects are due to the action of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which is commonly found in monounsaturated fatty acids, such as olive oil. Other studies have also shown that Wagyu contains up to 30% more mono unsaturated fatty acids than Angus beef, which scientists have hailed as having great effects on human health. Plus, it is noteworthy foods with high oleic acid decrease LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol.

Fatty acids called LDLs transport cholesterol throughout your body and frequently deposit it on the walls of your arteries. Heart disease and cardiac events can frequently be caused by arterial obstructions. High-density lipoproteins (HDL cholesterol), on the other hand, transport the cholesterol to your liver. The liver subsequently breaks down that cholesterol and excretes it from your body. Eating a quality cut of Wagyu roast beef will actually lessen your chances of developing heart disease since Wagyu steak raises the number of HDLs in your body!

Eating mono unsaturated fatty acids is better for the heart than other diets. special diet with lean meat products. Research has also shown that Wagyu beef can actually lower cholesterol levels. Wagyu beef stands out due to its distinctive fatty veins, providing an unprecedented succulent sensation and is sure to blow up your taste buds. Wagyu beef fat is mono unsaturated, which have a lower fat melting point, is proven to be healthy and can be melted at room temperature. The premium quality of Wagyu beef makes it a favorite classic umami flavor, suitable for a low-cholesterol balanced diet.

Good Amount Sodium

There is a modest amount of natural sodium in Wagyu beef at about 75 grams. Although some people are salt sensitive and need to watch their sodium intake, your body needs some sodium. In fact, sodium helps maintain fluid balance, plays a role in cooling your body when you sweat, and helps transmit nerve impulses.

Rich source of linoleic acid, anti-oxidant

In addition to containing many proteins and vitamins, beef also contains many healthy food oils. In particular, beef is rich in synthetic linoleic acid, which plays an important role in muscle maintenance and growth. The benefits of beef are also that it helps to fight against oxidants, which is especially good when you do sports that cause tissue damage.

The health benefits of Wagyu beef stem from the IMF

IMF (Intramuscular fat): is the white striated fat found in red meat, containing mono unsaturated fats.

Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are two types of polyunsaturated fatty acids (have the effect of lowering blood cholesterol levels). These are important fatty acids that cannot be synthesized by the body. These fatty acids are commonly found in oily fish, especially salmon and cold water fish. They help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.

Wagyu is an excellent source of essential amino acids, Omega fatty acids, B vitamins and iron. Olive oil, salmon, almonds, and Wagyu beef contain amazing omega fatty acids with amazing effects on the body.

Omega fatty acids help fight diseases: Alzheimer's, osteoarthritis, blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, body weakness.

Superior Health benefits with Many Nutrition Values to Normal beef


This premium steak contains iron - an extremely important mineral in the body. Because our bodies use iron to form blood cells, which carry oxygen to body tissues. Thereby helping the blood circulate regularly, replenishing the blood needed by the body. According to experts, each serving of wagyu beef contains about 10% of the value of iron.


Protein is essential for the body when it comes to performing functions related to cell regeneration and formation. This steak contains about 18 grams of protein.


This steak contains more fat content than regular beef, so it will have a higher marbling (intramuscular fat cells) score and more visible layers than regular beef. Their fat content is studied to have a larger proportion of monounsaturated fat than saturated fats in other types of red meat, which is both delicious and healthy. Plus, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid, is more prevalent in Wagyu beef. In particular, good fats such as omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids are two unsaturated fatty acid profile that help fight bone and joint diseases, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer, body weakness...


The steak contains about 75 grams of sodium, which helps the body maintain fluid balance, retains body heat when you work too hard, sweats and transmits nerve impulses.


A healthy, smooth hair is everyone's desire. Fortunately, there are levels of vitamin B12, vitamin B6 in the steak. These vitamins work to increase collagen for the body, so hair grows stronger and smoother. 


This type of premium steak is processed and undercooked, so the digestive system works very hard, Research has shown that thoroughly cooked beef will reduce the loss of essential amino acids by about 6%, the meat will become dry, hard resulting in slower digestion. 


Benefits of beef not only provide essential nutrients for the body, help women keep fit, weight loss but are also good for men. Because beef is considered an indispensable nutritional ingredient for muscle growth and development. In particular, for those of you who are working out in the gym, beef is an indispensable dish in your weekly healthy diet.


In contrast to the meager iron content in fish, chicken, turkey, and beef, beef is rich in iron, an essential mineral for blood formation. Therefore, add this food to the menu every day to promote the benefits of beef.


The beef is cooked quickly, has a very characteristic aroma, and just needs to marinate a little salt and then bake it, it is fragrant all over the kitchen. Especially Wagyu beef is extremely soft and fragrant, suitable for the elderly and children and is a "5-star" dish on every table.

Bottom Line

We hope that the above article has given you new and interesting information about Wagyu and its remarkable health benefits. Wagyu beef qualities are the best choice in the culinary world and are a dish well worth enjoying since they are high in nutrients that are good for the body, have an appealing appearance, and have a delicious flavor. Having that said, you shouldn't pass up Wagyu for its exceptional flavor, quality, and nutrition. With these wonderful advantages, rush, my friends, and purchase yourself a succulent Wagyu steak right away!

1 comment

This blog post excellently explores the health benefits of Wagyu beef. From its lower cholesterol levels to higher omega-3 fatty acids, it showcases why Wagyu can be a nutritious choice. The inclusion of scientific studies adds credibility. Well done!

John Smith December 12, 2023

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